September 2022 - VUSION Asset Management

September 2022 - VUSION Asset Management

Sep 20, 2022


New features

VUSION Asset Management authentication





SSO authentication

SSO is used to connect to all SES-imagotag’s application with only one login and password. If users are on Microsoft Live, Microsoft Azure AD, they can use their usual enterprise credential. If not, they can create a VUSION Cloud account and benefit from SSO as well. How to use SSO






Roll-out dashboard

Get an overview of your store overall deployment progress with graphs and data.

Enterprise license only

Installation target setup per store

Define installation targets and follow your deployment global rate store by store in real time. The installation targets are the start-date, end-date, number of expected labels and access point in the store. All targets can be set store by store or imported massively.

Enterprise license only

Alerts notification for deployment status

Receive an email notification when your stores installation are not 100 % complete and when the end date has passed.

Enterprise license only

Step-by-step installation guidance with shortcuts to VUSION Manager

Have step-by-step installation guidelines along with shortcuts leading you directly to the right part in VUSION Manager where you are able to manage/add settings, add access points or manage/add labels. This will save you a lot of searching time and will allow you to complete your installation in a simple flow.

Enterprise license only

Add maps of your stores place access points on your map(s) during rollout

Add one or multiple maps of your stores and place access points on these maps. You will have a masterview of your store installation. You will then be able to follow the lifecycle of your access point and the quality of your installation from the Store Health menu.

Enterprise license only

Rename your access points

Identify an access point more easily by having the possibility to give it a custom name according to your preferences. For example if your access point is 1234, you can rename it to: Beverages.

Enterprise license only

Label pre-registering with box ID

Register all your labels at once instead of registering them unitarily via Asset Management by typing your label's box ID or inserting an Excel file.
Note that you can also perform this feature on VUSION Link: Label registration from box ID.

Enterprise license only

Store Health





IoT analytics dashboard

View a dashboard that gives you a global vision of the status of your IoT’s and the quality of installation of your stores thanks to graphs that aggregates all the data concerning connectivity, age, firmware etc.

This dashboard is available in retail chain view and store view (enterprise only).

View your access points status & details on your store(s) map

Be able to see the status of your access points and the status of the IoT attached to it directly by clicking on them from your store map, thus you will be able to rapidly view your store installation and health.

Enterprise license only

Battery follow up dashboard

See the status of your labels fleet, the number of labels in bad battery in your store/ retail chain and anticipate all your battery changes.

Template switch for bad battery

Configure a specific template from Studio where you can set a design for labels that are in bad battery status to identify them in store (only available at the retail chain level).

Enterprise license only

Flash labels in bad battery

Trigger a flash for all labels that are in bad battery status to identify them in store (only available at the store level).

Enterprise license only

Battery status label export

Export the analysis and details on your bad/good battery label’s status via an Excel file.

Enterprise license only

Transmission speed dashboard

Analyze the transmission speeds in your stores as well as the number of retries to see if the transmissions are seamless or if it needs optimization.

Transmission speed by asset type

Be able to filter by access point and label size to get the average transmission time in minutes for those specific assets . All in order to know if transmissions are done in a seamless way.

Note that it is only available at the store level.

Enterprise license only

Identify which stores to operate in

Click on the details of the graphs to identify and target which stores require operations for improvement.

Enterprise license only






Data-based report

Get insights on how your are using the solution by getting an overview on the data you modify the most and that triggers transmissions in your store.

Time-based report

Get insights on how your are using the solution by getting an overview on how many transmissions you do on a specific time period.

Enterprise license only

Advanced queries analysis

Analyze your usage by setting conditions and having much more advanced filters with no limit to the number of conditions that can be fulfilled.

Enterprise license only

Usage trends

Follow your usage trends evolution on the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days on:

  • Display updates

  • Matching

  • Switch pages

  • Flashes

Quota check





Assets warranty dashboard

Follow the warranty compliance of your assets to make sure all of your assets are used within your contractual terms.

This dashboard is available in retail chain view and store view (enterprise only).

Store & Label ID export with details

Export to a single Excel file all the details about the warranty status of your stores and labels.

Enterprise license only

Out of warranty reasons details

Follow the warranty compliance of your assets to make sure all of your assets are used within your contractual terms.

This functionality is available in retail chain view and store view (enterprise only).

Overconsuming labels warning

Have a view on the number of labels that have a higher use of flash/display updates than the recommended monthly quotas. You will then be able to reduce your usage and avoid falling out of warranty.

This functionality is available in retail chain view and store view (enterprise only).

Warranty contract configuration

Configure your contract conditions by setting up the warranty time period and the quotas allowed for each label size.
Note that this configuration can only be done at the retail chain level.






Dashboard with reasons of returns

View the return reasons of your defective labels through a dashboard in Asset Management. You will be able to pinpoint the major return causes of your defective labels to optimize your internal processes.

This dashboard is available in retail chain view and store view (enterprise only).

Assets return details export

Export in a single Excel file all information about your assets return reasons to help you localise on which store you have the biggest return causes.

Enterprise license only

Pareto 80/20 analysis

Identify the main causes of returns that need to be addressed to optimize your assets lifecycle.
These return causes were entered prior on VUSION Link. Click here to know more: Return labels from your store.


VUSION Link associated features





Label pre-registering with box ID

Register all your labels at once instead of registering them unitarily by scanning or typing your box ID via VUSION Link. To perform this feature, go visit this documentation:
Label registration from box ID.

Note that you can also perform this feature in Asset Management.

Defective labels returns from your store

Remove your end of life labels from your store and associate for each label the reason why you have deleted it from the store. This will allow you to clean up all of your end-of-life labels.
Click here for the documentation: Clean up your in-store defective labels.

View on the warranty status of labels

Check the warranty status of your assets at anytime to better control your in-store labels usage.


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