Advanced search

Advanced search

Oct 20, 2020

VUMG-02 / VUMG-10 - July 2020 - VUSION Manager

VMG-17 - October 2020 - VUSION Manager


In different dashboards of VUSION Manager, you can look for elements thanks to a search bar. Learn here how to perform complex searches.

Complex searches are based on each element structure. You will find here below some examples and tricks. If you wish to get the full element structure, please refer to the API documentation.

You can search information by using * (any string) and ? (any characters).

Please note that the first wildcard is ignored. If you wish to find string by the end, please use a double wildcard (e.g. type “**myendString”)

You can also refresh the page by clicking on “Search” icon.

Field names & terms

You can specify fields to search in the query syntax:

  • where the status field contains active

  • where the title field contains quick or brown

    title:(quick OR brown)
  • where the author field contains the exact phrase "john smith"

    author:"John Smith"
  • where the first name field contains Alice (note how we need to escape the space with a backslash)

    first\ name:Alice
  • where any of the fields book.title, book.content or book.date contains quick or brown (note how we need to escape the * with a backslash):

    book.\*:(quick OR brown)
  • where the field title has any non-null value:


Operators and condition grouping

You can use: OR, AND and NOT to perform queries.

By default, all terms are optional, as long as one term matches. A search for foo bar baz will find any document that contains one or more of foo or bar or baz.

Multiple terms or clauses can be grouped together with parentheses, to form sub-queries:

(quick OR brown) AND fox

Groups can be used to target a particular field, or to boost the result of a sub-query:

status:(active OR pending) AND title:(full text search)

The preferred operators are + (this term must be present) and - (this term must not be present). All other terms are optional. For example, this query:

quick brown +fox -news

states that:

  • fox must be present

  • news must not be present

  • quick and brown are optional — their presence increases the relevance

The familiar boolean operators AND, OR and NOT (also written &&, || and !) are also supported but beware that they do not honour the usual precedence rules, so parentheses should be used whenever multiple operators are used together. For instance the previous query could be rewritten as:

((quick AND fox) OR (brown AND fox) OR fox) AND NOT news This form now replicates the logic from the original query correctly, but the relevance scoring bears little resemblance to the original.


Ranges can be specified for date, numeric or string fields. Inclusive ranges are specified with square brackets [min TO max] and exclusive ranges with curly brackets {min TO max}.

  • All days in 2012:

    date:[2012-01-01 TO 2012-12-31]
  • Numbers 1..5

    count:[1 TO 5]
  • Tags between alpha and omega, excluding alpha and omega:

    tag:{alpha TO omega}
  • Numbers from 10 upwards

    count:[10 TO *]
  • Dates before 2012

    date:{* TO 2012-01-01}
  • Relative search

    date:{now-1y TO now}

Escaping Special Characters

We supports escaping special characters that are part of the query syntax. The current list special characters are + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \

To escape these character use the \ before the character. For example to search for (1+1):2 use the query:





Look for all labels matched to a product in promotion by using matching.item.inPromotion:true

Or look for unmatched labels with !matching.matchingDate:*



Available from October 2020 release

You can look for integration with invalid lines using


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