Code Block |
{ "currentFlashProfile": "NORMAL", "lastFlashDate": "2020-01-16T16:04:40.444Z", "configuration": { "durationInMs": "1200000", "profile": "ULTRA_FAST_RESPONSE", "status": "ACTIVE" }, "lastProfileChange": { "durationInMs": "1200000", "startDate": "2020-07-06T16:03:39.784Z", "endDate": "2020-07-06T16:00:38.1Z" } } |
To be understood as followed:
Current profile “Normal”: the store is currently not flashing. If the store was flashing, the current profile would be defined as “Ultra_fast_flash”.
Profile configuration “Ultra_fast_flash”: the store as been configuredt to do fast_flash.
Configuration status “Activated”: the configuration is actived which means when a flash will be triggered the current profile will switch to a Fast_Flash.